My friends Marty and Anne are getting married in a few weeks. As a harpist, I play for so many weddings, but most often they are for people I don’t know. And when I do go to weddings for friends and family, I get asked to play on my pedal harp. I’m excited that I have just asked been asked to read a poem! What a joy to show up with a simple piece of paper instead of a dolly, a 90 pound instrument, music stand, bench, power cables, amplifier and music. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do! But it sure will be nice to be a regular, plain ‘ol guest in the crowd.
Well… I might just bring my little 20 string harp too. There aren’t too many details yet.
I’ve been wondering what poem I could share with them. I wrote this poem last year for no particular reason. Its small concise nature left me wondering where the idea had come from. I guess now it has its place.
A Blessing (Sunflower)
May you continue to give graces
And bloom again next year
The bride will want to see you
Growing tall in the golden field
May your head be high
And small creatures
Lift you up with their sweetness
Though they may crawl through life
We are all born with wings