… And we are launched! Braids of Kabuya came out on Oct 1st. I am so proud of how this album sounds and all of the work we put into it: the songwriting, the musicianship of all the players, the mixing, and the beautiful artwork by Stephen Schildbach.

I have so many thank you’s. The list is long and the gratitude so great. THANKS to these people and places who are a part of these songs, who heard them in fresh form, and helped me to polish them into a shape that has become real: the amazing musicians on this recording; Christina Honeycutt; Luara Moore; Jeppa K. Hall; Naomi Siegel; Marchette Dubois; Anne Matthews; Lori Goldston; Lori Andrews & Burt Samolis; Claudia Schmidt; Doug Haire; Jon, Betsy & Sam; Roseann Barnhill & Krukenberg Garden; Colleen Zickler; Sarah Kavage & Adria Garcia; Bobland; The Sorrento Hotel; The Cascade Mountains; Zephyr; and above all Stephen.
GRATUTUDE: to all of our Kickstarter donors! I feel blessed to have such a supportive community.
You can hear The Daphnes play the album live: on
Thurs, Oct 25, 2018
The Good Shepherd Center in Seattle (Wallingford)
at The Chapel Performance Space
7pm – $10
General Admission – All Ages